Dramatic SFB: Peladine T2 encounters

Paul Graves paulgraves at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 2 12:06:34 PDT 2019

 Hi Josh.  The Hydran "Three R Us" is my empire.  I think you have the advantage in Convoy Raid #3602 but it might be fun to play a turn or two to see what happens.  I assume -sab means the ship has paid for the sabot refit?
Kronos (Marcel I believe) depending on your PF situation we have a potential fight ironically in Cargo Tug #3614.  Are both D5Ls carrying G1s and if so how many?  If two each for a total of four then I will probably have to turn tail and run.
All my other scenarios are resolved.
Regards,Paul, Paul, and Paul (Three R Us).

    On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, 11:12:41 AM PDT, joshua s via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
  Krushing Kzinti:
Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #3600: Our destroyer is outgunned and going to retreat to run away another day.
Three R Us:
Convoy Raid #3602: 2nd Destroyer flotilla escorting a convoy of Epitaph record equipment has detected Hydran ships nearby, Do they even listen to music? More importantly how good are they in a mosh pit? Seems a fight is brewing here. Who is Three R Us and do you want to engage?
Probe Recovery #3603: Our bouncers (police ship) detected Hydran presence in our borders looking to extract one of our probes. Unfortunately the captains of warships were injured in a stage diving incident and they were delayed we are unable to do anything about this incursion for now.... We retreat.
All other scenarios have been dropped or are auto resolved. Awaiting to hear from either Glenn or Paul G as I'm not sure who is the Hydran I border.
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