Dramatic SFB: ISC Orders

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Mon Apr 1 21:31:15 PDT 2019

What is sp32?
Give me a day or two and I will see if I can be a battle captain for the Lyrans. 

    On Tuesday, 2 April 2019, 12:21, Francois Lemay via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

  Krushing Kzinti T2 Y180 Report
West Coast Punks Peladine Border3598 - Kzinti auto win.3599- Peladine auto win3600- Kzinti ship NCA Thunderstrike (sp 32) will engage the defending Peladine ship DD+y(sp 32/sab) Time Bomb to recover the precious crystals!********
Klingon Empire Border3611- NCC Deathdealer [sp 32] along with ground bases [ 3 GMG, 3 GBDP, 6 GBDD ] will engage the invading Klingon fleet of D5Kym(G1s/Sp 32) Renegade and D5Kym (G1s/sp 32) Rogue.3612- Kzinti fleet DWy Dark Comet (sp 32), DDy Pegasus (sp 32) will engage the Klingon ship TGAKuym Ter Mikon (G1s/sp 32) 3613- Klingon auto win.******************
Fraxian Empire BorderIt seems the Krushing Kzinti Empire has drawn the ire of the Fraxian Empire by getting  a visit by no less then 8 ships of the 11 ship Fraxian navy !!  WOW !!
Kzinti High Command will make it easy for the Fraxian Admiral [ is that you Glenn ?], Krushing Kzinti Empire now realizes by the sheer size & strength of the invading Fraxian navy that their intentions are hostile, period !To that end, KK Empire has no choice but to declare war on the Fraxian Empire since its obvious their honour is also simulated, much like Klingons  !! 
3652- Fraxian overwhelming force, Kzinti retreats, Frax win.3653- Kzinti auto win strangely enough !3654- Fraxian overwhelming force, Kzinti retreats, Frax win.**********
Looks like I have 3 battles but I suspect Josh's DD will retreat from 3600?Randy, send me your champion as I am fighting 3611 and 3612 !

    On Monday, April 1, 2019, 07:12:34 p.m. EDT, Nicholas Steere via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 Unless the respective opposing forces want to fight at #3638 and #3643 with overwhelming force against them, the ISC's orders are in and we're ready to advance.
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