Dramatic SFB: Ice Breathers Border Report

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 23 17:22:44 PDT 2019

69th Border Force (Federation)

Colony Raid #3793: The Federation has successfully defended their colony.
Convoy Raid #3794: The Federation thinks they can ship contraband across our borders. We will not stand for this violation of sovereignty. The Ice Breathers will fight!
Colony Raid #3795: The Ice Breathers have successfully defended their colony.
Convoy Raid #3796: After an initial scan, the Ice Breathers have determined that this convoy contains no contraband. The Federation is successful in escorting its convoy.

Interstellar Concordium (ISC)

The Planet Crusher #3806: If a planet is crushed and there's nobody there to hear it, did it really crumble? Scenario dropped.
Colony Raid #3807: If there's a colony to be raided but nobody raids it, is it really a colony? Scenario dropped.

Astral Empire (Romulan):

Passing the Baton #3819: No Romulans showed. The Ice Eaters successfully passed their baton.
Extragalactic Incursion #3820: There was no ice to eat, the Romulans were successful in their incursion.
Convoy Raid #3821: It was not a raiding day, the Romulans successfully escorted their convoy.

Paravian Crusaders (Paravian)

The Morey Eel of Space #3822: Nobody was interested in a morey eel. Scenario dropped.

I have one scenario against the 69th Fed. I'm free Friday or Saturday night...

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