Dramatic SFB: Andromedan Captain's report supplemental

Don Lavanty emeketos at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 14:37:19 PDT 2019

All But 2 encounters are finalized, Frax Planetary raid on the peaceful
Militarized  Andromedan planet.
Yes the planet has 6 Heavy weapon's bases, 3 Military Garrison's They are
actually pre-schools, and yes it does have another 3 militaries "appearing"
bases but in actuallity, the large number of P-2's are for nightly light
shows with the TR beam's used to break apart asteroids before impact you
can never be too careful.
Unless the Frax is willing to bomb Pre-schools and after-school clubs.
Contact me

Lyran Border --Banshees #3743---
"open the Com's with the Lyran Captain unless your Carrier task force
want's to hold this border open and push these space Banshees out to deep
space our Picket force is unable to face you and keep the banshees from the
base. [marked as a def/removal of feet].

Kzinti side
realized he made an error his judgment he though Cobra Vs an FF would be a
very amusing fight he forgot if defense loses the border closes and this
must not happen. So they had a happy game of Chess with Lightly Sweetened
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