Dramatic SFB: T2 com's online from Fire Breathers (Gorn)

Don Lavanty emeketos at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 12:15:50 PDT 2019

FF-PLC GCP-103 captain opens com's to *Interstellar Concordium (ISC):* DDLm
w/ INTs "ICS Altair" on the forward screen Base Defense #3638**
Your overwhelming fleet of DDLm w/ INTs "ICS Altair"

does your force wish to close the border or leave? the  *Fire Breathers
(Gorn)*   would like to keep trade open between our people we have the best
tequila and find your space wall unrealistic.

** Note I am not exactly sure how a base is selected between mobile to
battle station.

*Fire Breathers (Gorn):* BC-sab "GCN Silver Dragon", HDD+sab "GCN 102"  Fleet
comander wishes to talk over romulan-ale at
A Very Special Ally #3648
to the *The Romulan Republic (Romulan):* WER "Freki" in 4030, heading F,
speed max entering  *Fire Breathers (Gorn)*   borders from the neutral
zone. "is your ship feeling suicidal or wishes  to return to the  *Romulan
Republic*   borders"
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