Dramatic SFB: Empire of the Rising Swamp - RTA

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 10:46:19 PST 2019

Well, seems like Mr. Gorntastic cannot write his own speeches and has to
relly on copying what other leaders write.


Good thing to do instead of saying stupidities like building a wall


On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 12:16 PM Paul Meyer via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> To the delegates of The Late War Campaign, the Empire of the Rising Swamp
> submits the following quarterly report:
> *On The Peaceful Border:*
> *Sector #3284 – War Memorial*: The Memorial Day festivities proceeded
> without incident. The ISC respectfully maintained their distance while our
> warships paid their tributes.
> *On the Rome Eternal Border (NO COLLUSION!!!):*
> *Sector #3297 – The Morey Eel of Space*: Neither empire thought the Eels
> to be a big enough threat to send ships. The Eels made a meal out of the
> nearest planet and continued on their migration.
> *Sector #3298 – Colony Raid:* In light of recent de-plasma-ization talks
> on the Rome/Swamp border, Mr. Gorntastic declined to send a raiding party
> to the Rome settlement that was so desperately asking to be raided.
> *Sector #3299 – Convoy Raid: *For the same reasons as noted above, the
> Rome Eternal convoy was also allowed safe passage. And it wasn’t because
> Caesar Eternal was paying off Mr. Gorntastic or had, in any way,
> compromising information on Mr. Gorntastic. Nothing to see here, just keep
> on going…
> *On the 69th Border Squadron Border:*
> *Sector #3303 – Dragon Attack:* A fleet of warships was dispatched to the
> 69th Border Squadron border to protect the wall construction crew from
> any enemy harassment. Although the 69th Border Squadron did not send any
> ships, the fleet was on site to address a brood of space dragons that were
> in the area.
> *Sector #3304 – Listening Post:* Another pointless scenario by Mr.
> Gorntastic’s reckoning.
> *Sector #3305 – Dragon Attack:* Another Swamp fleet was on hand to
> address this brood of space dragons while overseeing the wall construction
> in this sector. However, with the high number of illegal dragon incursions
> on the 69th border, Mr. Gorntastic is ordering an investigation into the
> possibility that the 69th Border Squadron is breeding these creatures and
> sending them into Swamp territory.
> *On the Romulan Star Empire Border:*
> *Sector #3321 – Terrain Defense with Ground Combat:* With the dissolution
> of the God King’s Empire, Mr. Gorntastic finds this new empire on his
> border, probably rising from the ashes of the God King’s mess. In any case,
> Mr. Gorntastic felt it was prudent not to engage this new empire until he
> had more information on it.
> *On the Norg Confederation Border:*
> *Sector #3322 – Passing the Baton:* Mr. Gorntastic was surprised to find
> his backwards cousins (literally!) taking up some the border left abandoned
> by the failed God King regime. They, however, showed proper respect by
> allowing his forces to collect their derelict cargo pods.
> *No Collusion!*
> Sent from Outlook <http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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