Dramatic SFB: Scenario 3145

Francois Lemay lemay.frank at rogers.com
Sun Jan 27 18:43:38 PST 2019

 Gents,Sorry for using an old email address but I do not know how to access the email list. I think I will make an email list of my own.
Roch and I are now end of T7 on our Colony raid 3085 battle !
Gorn fleet continues to keep a range of 15 or so from the Peaceful ISC ship CL Advantageous and company.Gorns have resorted to using ISC shuttles as target practice, destroying a couple over 2 or more turns.Gorn plasmas have been launched and timed to hit on imp 10 necessitating lots of ISC shuttle fire to whittle them torps down.DEFSAT 1 has taken 10 damage so far of 25 available.
SAM 3085 is coming around from the bottom of the planet so it will get to participate for T8 but DEFSAT 2 has disappeared on the dark side of the planet in regards to Gorn fleet.
On T6, CL Advantageous used 4*EDR  [ she star castled for the entire turn ] to attempt to repair 2 L Warp, R Warp and a ph 1, all succeeded ! Her DAMCON is at 2 now for her efforts.
T7 see CL Advantageous move speed 10 to get up to speed while Gorns maintain R15 or so.Had to deal with real plasma which whittled CL Advantageous shields even more [ 13/14/1/1/2/12]
T8 to continue on Tuesday night.

    On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎January‎ ‎15‎, ‎2019‎ ‎10‎:‎37‎:‎17‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EST, joshua s via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
  West Coast Punks battle report T2
Lyran Empire:
Moray Space Eel #3145: We'll retreat, we'll leave the pest control to the cats.

All other battles are either dropped or auto resolved.

Sent from my iPhone____________________________________________________
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