Dramatic SFB: [OT] Hydran Marine mini

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Fri Jan 11 21:07:35 PST 2019

Recall the cannon description of Hydrans:

*(R9.1)*/Hydrans are small (1.33 meters tall) beings, greenish-gray in 
color, with an ash-can shaped body supported by three stubby legs. Three 
equally spaced tentacles sprout from the top of the body. Hydrans are 
neckless. Their eyes, mouths, and ears (two of each) are grouped in a 
fleshy mound on top of the body./

> Well I see little wrong with it personally. But then it also depends 
> on scale. Is this a 3 foot or 4 foot tall creature? The head used is 
> humanoidish. Which brings up the ear idea. Do the need ears? And if so 
> would they be external or like Gorn internal. Why are the legs too 
> long? Unless he is on little stubs...they have to have a use. Are 
> their heads more like squids? Why dont they have 3 eyes? Creatures 
> that are symmetrically tripodal would have 3 ears and eyes.
> Anyway...tentacles implies more octopod ancestry to me.

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