Dramatic SFB: T2 Battle Report

Francois Lemay lemay.frank at rogers.com
Fri Jan 4 08:21:54 PST 2019

 On the Peaceful ISC Fronts,
Gorn Norg Confederation borders
3085- CL Advantageous and company will engage the Gorn  Norg Confederation. Should the Gorns withdraw immediately, all will be forgiven.Should the Gorns  press the attack and cause a loss of income to the ISC economy, ISC High Command will have to re-evaluate the ISC Peaceful Doctrine towards the Gorn Norg Confederation.
3086- ISC auto win3087- ISC auto win
Rome Eternal borders,3088- Romulan auto win3089- ISC auto win.3090- ISC auto win
Romulan Star Empire borders,3091-ISC auto win3092- FF Asteroid and FF Comet will go about their business in collecting crystals and should FHA RWB Belak interferes, we will defend ourselves.3093- ISC auto win.
End of ISC Report.**************I have 2 potential battles.Roch, Nicholas, let me know your intentions please.


   On ‎Friday‎, ‎January‎ ‎04‎, ‎2019‎ ‎10‎:‎48‎:‎09‎ ‎AM‎ ‎EST, Charles Carroll via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 On the Rome Eternal Romulan borders. It is mostly peaceful. There are only two questionable situations to be resolved.
On the Rising Swamp Border...a Gorn Battle Cruiser seems to be eyeing a convoy escorted by a Sky Hawk "Defending Spark". I am sure he was just watching to be sure I was keeping the FTs in line and none were straying. I appreciate his concern and wish him well. Or was there something else he wished to do? I await your response.
Then we have a very misguided encounter with the Norg Confederation of Gorns. It appears that two Nork ships have strayed into Romulan space disguised as Tholians. However our science officers were able to see through their deception and suggest that Halloween was a while back and dressing up in costume at this late date is probably a dangerous past time. Just imagine how badly things might have gone if we thought you were seriously here to harm my Base. 
And with those two minor encounters...which I expect to hear nothing more from. I conclude the announcements.
Chuck of Rome Eternal.  
On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 9:37 AM Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

To the delegate at The Late War Campaign, here are the position of the Mighty Kronos empire.
On the Cockroaches Border:
Sector #3129 - The Morey Eel of Space: D5Ky Pain was sent to deal with the treath. The Morey Eel was destroyed. Klingon Victory.Sector #3130 - Probe Recovery: BT Bone Crusher escorted by D5K Fear were sent to recover the probes. Retreat your DD or be destroyed.Sector #3131 - Base Defense: The Kronos empire cannot accept a MB so near to our border, so D5L Destruction was sent to deal with this issue. Retreat your forces and surender the MB or be annihilated.
On the Suppository Border:
Sector #3135 - Planetary Bombardement: E4BG Seax was sent to shore up ground defense but no enemy ships showed up. Klingon Victory.Sector #3136 - The Morey Eel of Space: F6 Dispute was sent to deal with the Eel treath. Morey Eel destroyed. Klingon VictorySector #3137 - Terrain defense with ground combat: The Kronos empire decided not to get involved in local matter and did not intervene. Frax Victory
On the Rockheads border:
Sector #3138 - Hostages: Through diplomatic treath, the Tholian decided it was better for them to leave the hostages in a survival pod . E4GB Bowie was sent to recover the pod. Klingon Victory.Sector #3139 - Probe Recovery: E4GB Dike was sent to recover the probes, no enemy ships sighted. Klingon VictorySector #3140 - Evacuate Observatory: A Tholian DD was sighted evacuating the crew of the observatory. The observatory was ordered to self-destruct which was not accomplished. If any of the crew try to make it back, they will be executed for disobeying a direct order. Tholian Victory.
On the DogKing Federation of Sissy Border:
Sector #3141 - Hostile Militia: F6 Discord was sent to increase the number of troops defending the outpost. No Federation ship were seen. Klingon Victory
Painfull death to our enemy
End of Kronos report.____________________________________________________
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