Dramatic SFB: Peladine T3 battle

joshua s badreligiontrk07 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 12 21:55:47 PST 2019

Hydrax Expeditionary:

3287 Cannisters: We’ll disengage.

Lyran Star Empire:

3336 Colony Raid: Apparently I have to fight it.... 

3337 Space Boars: We’ll engage.

All other encounters are dropped or auto-resolved.

Randy, I’m working on a battle captain. We were hit by several snowstorms in Olympia(all of Western Washington) resulting in a loss of power at my place since Saturday. I’m at my family’s place but they don’t have internet because they live in a rural area. I barely get cell service to send an email. Additionally, even if I had power I’m snowed in and unsure when I can get back home. With another storm coming this weekend odds aren’t looking good.  I’ll send an email when I can once I find someone to play in my place. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Sent from my iPhone

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