Dramatic SFB: Dilithium Crystal Asteroid # 3134 Report - Tholians vs Seltorians

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 15:53:49 PST 2019

Here is the preliminary report of the acting commander of the Rockhead


Cockroaches CA Sage Wisdom started at 24 hexes of your ships doing 17 with
6 ECM while we were doing 16. as soon as we could, DDP Stalwart started
doing the bacon dance (EM).

We slowly closed the range when the cockroaches fired a narrow salvo volley
of PC at range 15 at CW Topaz, hitting nothing but some loose hydrogen
atoms near by. We kept closing on it and as we got closer, he fired a pair
of SC and a pair of Ph-1 doing 9 to #1 sheild of CW Topaz.

We kept on closing the range (good to see some Tholians ships fighting like
klingons, no fear will stop us) when the CA turned left. Head on we kept
and at range of 8, Topaz fired 3 OL and 1 STD Disr at the CA pumping 3 ECCM
with 2 OL hitting for 12 damage to #6 shield.

As we got closer, the CA turned right, closing on us (Great Klingon Smile
on the captain face) and we turn right to intercept. Still closing, a bunch
of small cockraoches transport (GAS shuttles) were launched from the CA.

Still going head on, the CA fired 4 PC narrow salvo (2 OL and 2 STD) and 4
Ph-1 at Topaz at range of 4. PC hit and phasers as well, doing 35 to Topaz
#1 shield for 14 internals taking out 1 Ph-1 and 1 Ph-3. a few impulses
later, a volley of 2 Ph-3 did 3 internals to Topaz taking out a Ph-3.
Stalwart stopped the bacon dance on imp 31.

We finished the turn at range 3, having only fired 4 disruptors on impulse
22. Next turn will be cockroaches cooking time.

BTW: those Rockheads seat are very unconfortable for a Klingon ass. Will
bring my captain chair next time.

Acting Rockhead Captain
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