Dramatic SFB: Late war: Player List

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Sat Jan 5 08:46:20 PST 2019

Some people wanted to know what the setup was, so they know who to 
contact for battles:

Peaceful - ISC (princeton)
Empire Name - Hydran (Vandar)
Rome Eternal - Romulan (Carroll)
69th Border Squadron - Federation (Hazelnut1968)
Sleepys Klinks - Klingon (jarod.ikeda at gmail.com)
Empire of the Rising Swamp - Gorn (falrun04)
The Splendid Hive - Seltorian (DragoAstro)
Kronos - Klingon (Devilish6996)
The Norg Confederation - Gorn (Charlie)
West Coast Punks - Peladine (blackwind2)
Empire Name - Hydran (Grim)
Lyran Star Empire - Lyran (randyblair)
Battle Group One Fang - Kzinti (Wayne Power)
Imperial Battle Fleet - Tholian (Admgrraven)
Romulan Star Empire - Romulan (Nicholander_1765)
Fraxxumo - Frax (sumo)
Laser pointer Toy Manufacturing Conglomerate - Kzinti (AndroHatesOrions)

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