Dramatic SFB: Contributions to Moderator

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 2 13:15:32 PST 2019

Last month there were some some people wishing to contribute out of 
gratitude for running the campaign. I'm willing to be open to accepting 
those now.

Please don't take this as a solicitation. If you don't wish to do this, 
please feel free to delete this email. I won't feel offended and the 
campaign will still continue as it has been.

However, for those who wish to do this, I will accept gift certificates 
<http://sfbonline.com/gift.jsp> from SFB Online. Unfortunately, I don't 
have a satisfactory method to receive payments (I have paypal, but 
haven't used it in a long while and it's unwieldly.) So getting me more 
SFB time is a very good alternative.

Thank you *very* much. I've been enjoying things as much as you have - 
mostly because you've been enjoying my contribution to the community.


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