Dramatic SFB: Late War Question
Marcel Trahan
marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 05:00:45 PST 2018
"m w/ INTs" = Mech-Link refit with Interceptors (usually 2 INT/PF allowed
per ship with the Mech-Link refit)
*(R1.R1) PF MECH-LINKS:* All races which deployed PFs installed mech-links (
K2.2 <K.html#2.2>) on some of the tractor beams of some of their ships. The
cost is 1 point per mech-link.
Unless specifically authorized otherwise (e.g., shown on an SSD, listed in
the ship description), no more than two tractors per ship can be refitted,
and no squadron or fleet can have more than six PFs distributed among all
of its ships (PFTs and SCSs excepted; Lyrans can have double this amount).
See (S8.32 <S.html#8.32>) for the limit on the total number of PF flotillas
and fighter squadrons. A player cannot buy mech-links for his ships without
buying PFs to go on them (one PF per mech-link). Some published scenarios
and multi-scenario campaigns may create exceptions to this.
PFs carried on the mech-links of non-PFT ships are considered "casual" PFs
and may be loosely organized into "casual PF fIotillas, " but these units
are not formal flotillas (K0.3 <K.html#0.3>) and do not include PFLs or
Most ships which receive this refit become casual PFTs (K2.114
<K.html#2.114>) as a result. Casual PFTs cannot lend electronic warfare to
their PFs as a single flotilla (most lack scout channels and cannot do it
at all) and have other restrictions. Supplies are provided in (K2.653
<K.html#2.653>) The cost of this refit (and any PFs or INTs carried) is not
taken from Commander's Options, but is part of the basic cost of the battle
This is the same refit as described under (R11.R3 <R.html#11.R3>).
These cannot be installed on PFs or bases. (Bases use the augmentation
modules below.)
*(R11.R3) MECH-LINKS:* Starting in Y178, mech-links were added to the
tractor beams of many ships. This increases tho BPV by one point for each
mech-link added. Some Lyran SSDs are shown with mechlinks (because they
were far more prevalent in the Lyran fleet than any other); if they are
used, the BPV must be increased by one point per mech-link. Mech-links on
ships in scenarios will be designated on a ship by ship basis with the
subscript "m" as in Leopard+pm.
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 6:34 AM Paul Meyer via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> For the Gorn, I'm seeing the option of ships with the addition of "m w/
> INTs"
> Can I get a clarification on what the 'm w/ INTs' means? I can't find
> reference for it.
> Thanks.
> Paul M
> Sent from Outlook <http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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