Dramatic SFB: WoA

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 18:13:37 PST 2018

The best way i know of to reduce turn time is to reduce the number of

As such a Historical match up off Hydran,Klingon,Kzinti and Lryans. 4
players. each have a set fleet size in BPV to start. All have borders with
the as historically by the SFU. Destruction of the other players fleet
would be key. This is war no allencies. You win if you can destroy twice
the BPV of the other player or bring his economic point value to 0 for 3
turns running.

In this case  Klingons have 4 borders each with Kzinti and Hdran. The
Lyrans 4 borders each with the Kzinti and Hydrans. There are of course all
kinds of things you can do with this set up. Give borders to the lryan and
klingons that of course being historical and allow ships to be transfered
between those players,  If you replaced the Hydran with the Federation then
both sides could have friendly borders and transfers.

With 4 players and such a set up the game should move fast as long as all 4
players are willing to do so. if Matt set me up i could even moderate such
a game.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 8:40 PM Matthew via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Maybe we could use that as a goal? First player to X wins?
> Totally doable.
> The current campaign I was hoping to go to Y183-ish (give or take) and
> then stop. If we cared about who won, we could compare empire scores.
> However, (as with previous games) I'm willing to stop when people are
> willing to call it.
> --Matt
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