Dramatic SFB: GGG RTA

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 19 18:27:14 PDT 2018

I know that you all are looking for an entertaining short story about the engagement from the Great Green Gorn Captain's perspective, but in the interest of time and keeping it short, I'll just say that the Captain didn't have a very good idea of how to approach this scenario or how to battle fellow Gorns.

On top of that, any plans he did have, he didn't pursue with conviction. He (I) felt like he was playing catch-up against a more experienced foe (Roch) and wound up having one of his BCs almost gutted.

Due to an error on the opposing side, I was able to escape with all of my ships even though the BC was crippled.

I'll leave any additional color commentary to Roch. He, being the victor, may put any color of spin on it that he wishes.

Great(ish) Green Gorn ready to advance!

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