Dramatic SFB: SFB WoA turn 13

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 17:56:18 PDT 2018

I assume you saw Matts answer. My answer was the one stated in the Campaign
Rules. That was copied from them. So the answer in 177 is definitely the


On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 3:45 PM TJ Hooker <metaldog09 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I would like matt to clarify which tug you are allowed to take if
> possible.
> On Sunday, September 9, 2018, 11:47:20 AM PDT, Charles Carroll <
> mastrvran at gmail.com> wrote:
> The KRT (R4.33) is considered a combat tug until after the two-year
> introduction date for the SPH (so, after Y170), at which point the KRT is
> considered a non-combat tug. When a scenario forces the Romulan to use a
> combat/non-combat tug and there are two tugs that qualify, then the Romulan
> may choose which tug to use of those that qualify before their opponent
> places their units on the map.
> Ok so it would be the KRT since this is 177.  Sorry was thinking the
> Organian treaty...for some reason. Anyway....KRT is what I would be
> bringing.
> I do have a fair amount more than you in this scenario. So let me know
> when you want to play it or the other one. And as I mentioned...the other
> one...I am actually slightly under the move cost.
> Chuck
> On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 2:29 PM TJ Hooker <metaldog09 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Charles,
>      I have no tug in this scenario, the scenario specifics a non combat
> tug for you, exactly which ship is that? the express eagle?
> On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, 8:26:18 AM PDT, Charles Carroll <
> mastrvran at gmail.com> wrote:
> I can play the Baton anytime.
> I am actually under on the convoy raid. 1 Move for the SUP and 1/4 for the
> SNP so 1.25
> Also anytime you wish to do this one is fine.
> The Epic battle lol is 8 Ships and a Tug vs 6 Ships and a Tug. You
> effectively have two scouts lol. That could be an interesting issue hehe.
> But anyway...when ever just let me know when you have the time and I will
> try and arrange to be there.
> Chuck
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 5:37 PM TJ Hooker <metaldog09 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Sir,
>      It seems we have a scneario or two that might need to be played out.
>             Passing the Baton #2398  When did you want to play this out?
> Convoy Raid #2399  Pretty sure your force here is illegal as it exceeds
> the MC 1.5 requirement. Please advise.
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