Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid #2267: After Action Report

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 18:25:57 PDT 2018

That left me in stitches,,,, LOL

On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 6:28 PM Paul Meyer via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Captain Traccus sat in his chair on the deck of the DDL Dacentrurus. His
> mission was to escort a three-ship convoy to Magrathea. His escort fleet
> consisted of his ship and two DDs, the Pikachu and the Litten.
> Traccus wasn’t expecting any trouble. After all, rumor had it that all the
> three ships were hauling supplies to Magrathea for some kind of party. Mr.
> Gorntastic and his cabinet were celebrating the fact that they hadn’t been
> kicked out of office yet.
> Capt. Traccus was interrupted from his thoughts by his Science Officer. “*What
> now?!?*” the captain thought as he called back, “What is it?!?” “I’m
> detecting some anomalies on the scanner consistent with three Andromedan
> ships, Sir!” Traccus rolled his eyes, one to the right and one to the left
> (a definite sign of irritation), and the Science Officer twitched in
> anticipation of a tongue lashing.
> “Let’s fire up the weapons, then!” he called out to his tactical officer.
> “Andromedans”, he muttered under his breath. “I guess it’s true that those
> freighters are hauling prophylactics and blow for the party…”
> The Andromedans were approaching from head on. They arrived before their
> weapons were fully charged while Captain Traccus had just enough time to
> bring his weapons to full power. “*Maybe Science Officers aren’t all bad*,”
> he thought to himself.
> The Tactical Officer warned, “Even with our weapons ready, we don’t have
> much of a chance against these guys. We haven’t been able to beat these
> guys, even when we have the tactical advantage!” “Just leave it to me,”
> Traccus responded. “I have a trick or two that we haven’t tried yet against
> these guys.” Now it was the Tactical Officer’s turn to roll his eyes, one
> in each direction.
> The Gorns were facing three ships, the COQ "Rotura", the COB "Martillo",
> and the COU "Cara". Captain Traccus thought that the Rotura was probably
> too big for them to really harm, but if the could cripple the Cara, they
> might have a chance since the scouts were always worth more in battle since
> they could do all of their sciency stuff and make true warriors miss more
> than normal.
> Captain Traccus ordered his ships to charge the enemy and to be ready to
> unload on the enemy ships on his mark. The Andromedans seemed to have a
> similar idea as they also approached head on.
> When the two fleets were about 9 parsecs from each other, Traccus ordered
> three pseudo plasma torpedoes be launched, just to give the Andromedan
> captain something to think about.
> The Andromedan used his scout to identify the target and then used one of
> their fancy special mines to determine that the torps were fake. Shaking
> his fist, Captain Traccus ordered the Pikachu to launch another three
> pseudo torps, just to keep the Andromedan guessing. He didn’t think that
> the Andro would fall for it, but you never know.
> At a range of five, the Andromedans opened up and fired their TRs. Two
> heavy and two light. Captain Traccus and his bridge crew threw themselves
> to the left and then to the right as their ship was rocked by the barrage.
> The front shield was destroyed and the ship took heavy damage, but she
> wasn’t out of the fight, yet.
> The next chance he had, he ordered return fire, bolting every available
> plasma and firing every available phaser on the Martillo. He would have
> fired on the Cara, but she had upped her ECM with all of that sciency stuff
> before Traccus had the chance to order the attack.
> Now it was the Martillo’s turn to throw themselves to the left and the
> right. The barrage ripped through the Martillo leaving it almost dead in
> space.
> Doing a quick review of his situation, Captain Traccus knew that with his
> ship almost crippled, there would be no way for them to hold off the
> Rotura. Ordering his fleet to turn towards the enemy, Captain Traccus
> ordered another barrage on the Martillo with everything the fleet had left.
> The Martillo exploded with a less than satisfying ‘boom’ as the captain’s
> next order was to abandon the Dacentrurus and make their escape.
> As the captain boarded the Pikachu, he thought about the tongue lashing
> that he would receive from Mr. Gorntastic for letting the prophylactics and
> blow fall into the hands of the Andromedans. The worst part about it was
> that he couldn’t blame his loss on the Science Officer, as he’d done an
> admirable job of warning them so that they could be ready for the attack.
> Maybe the Tactics Officer…
> Mr. Gorntastic will be ready to cycle the turn once he's received word
> from Captain Slartac that he's been able to successfully raid the Gorn
> Confederation's convoy of their cheese and crackers.
> Sent from Outlook <http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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