Dramatic SFB: After Action Report: A Very Special Ally #1920

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 3 18:42:58 PDT 2018

Captain Godzilla was relaxing on the bridge when he received a report of a Space Boar in the area. He was in command of the CCH King Ghidorah which was accompanied by the BC Hedorah and the BC Anguirus. Thinking this would be a cake walk, but taking some precautions, he set the fleet to yellow alert (WSII) and headed out to eliminate the creature.

Just as the King Ghidorah made itself known to the Boar and taunted it into charging the ship, three Andromedan ships showed up, the PYT Tiyo, the MAM Kuya, and the MAM Kalasag. Knowing that things just got more complicated, but still confident in his abilities, he decided to side-step the Boar, hoping it would lose interest and get lost in space, and focus on the Andromedans.

His strategy worked well, at first. At the first opportunity, the Space Boar got side tracked by a Space Squirrel and headed off into deep space. Meanwhile, Captain Godzilla fired a volley of pseudo torpedoes at the Andros when he came within range 10ish to see what they would do. Sure enough, they HET'd and ran for it, but not before firing a volley of TRLs which took out the front shield of the Hedorah, but did little other damage.

Captain Godzilla didn't push the pursuit. He wanted to give the Andros time to think about what they were getting themselves into and maybe they would just clear out. In the mean time, the Hedorah used the slower pace to assign repair crews to get some of the front shield back on-line.

When the two fleets circled around the second time, Captain Godzilla fired another volley of pseudo torps, hoping to get the Andros to run again and burn some of their energy. Again, they ran, but not before firing another volley at the Hedorah, this time taking out the #2 shield, but little else.

It was at about this time that Captain Godzilla realized that he had not chosen a very successful strategy for engaging the Andros. His choices were leaving him running too slow and not able to catch up with his prey. Giving it one last try, he circled the fleet around for another pass. This one was a little more successful in that he got within 5 hexes of the Andros. Knowing that if he launched normal torps they would just run again, he bolt all of them that he could. The Andros anticipated the move and beefed up their ECM causing most of the bolts to miss. At the same time, they fired another, more successful volley at the Hedorah. This time, they took out the #6 shield and were successful in doing moderate damage to the internals.

Deciding to cut his losses and re-consider Great Green Gorn doctrine on engaging the Andros, Captain Godzilla decided to cede this section of space and spend more time in the simulator to be able to better deal with these wiley Andros in the future.

(not so) Great Green Gorn, ready to advance.

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