Dramatic SFB: Territorial Marking Fleet T12

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 16:56:24 PDT 2018

After a series of brutal confrontations with our rival Kzinti adversaries,
this turn we address a new threat.  The Territorial Marking Fleet has
either overwhelming force or does not contest its battles with its new
neighbor, the Lyran Star Empire.  We greet them with a smile.

*Convoy Raid #2058*
We allow the convoy to continue on its way unchallenged.  Our ships are
needed elsewhere.

*Cargo Tug #2056 and Planetary Bombardment #2057*
Our welcome forces to the new Lyrans are overwhelming in these incidents.
We anticipate that our ancient adversaries will withdraw to avoid
asymmetric losses to their smaller fleet.

Cheeth Sub-Admiral
Territorial Marking Fleet
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