Dramatic SFB: Weird Bug?

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 10:32:39 PDT 2018

On Attrition.

I just changed an order...by removing it from inside a group of other
orders...as in making it blank all the way across.

Now when I enter Attrition and hit assign orders...it sort of takes me
there. But only the bottom part that shows what scenarios everyone has is
there...the top has the headers all kind of scruntched together. But no
actual orders...are shown. No ships being build. No way to change where the
assigned ships are going nada.

I have rebooted my computer. Left the game. Relogged into the game. Saved
the game. Looked at other games...all of which are fine I also changed to
waiting for orders...nada...changed back to ready to advance...nada. Now I
did change one ship that I had going out and that of course cannot be shown
not going out somewhere after you assign it, as a ship I decided to modify.
So I am not sure...what happened. Other than I cannot do anything with ship
orders of any kind.

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