Dramatic SFB: Midshipman's Battle Reselutions

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 01:33:44 PDT 2018

There was potential for battles...from the Frax and the GodKing Federation.

But as it turns out...all are resolved.

The Frax withdrew from the one battle we might have had.

On the Fed Front...neither of us thought one battle was worth showing up
The other...well...it turns out the Fed sent his entire fleet just about.
While I am willing to take risks normally to defend my people and a
colony...this raid had to be allowed. We took all the women and children we
could...sent the rest of the people into the wilderness to hide and wait
out the horrible marauders who had come. We left little for them to raid.
We will return when they get tired of searching through what is left. And
when we do...we will bring enough fire power to turn his fleet into scrap.
So as a parting comment...enjoy what we left behind...some of it...might
make a mess of your men.

The Pyramid Construction Company stands ready to advance.

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