Dramatic SFB: builds disappearing

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Tue May 8 17:15:38 PDT 2018

>      So.. this turn I built 4 ships I had enough EP's (540) at least I 
> think so, but when we advanced the turn it only shows 3 of my builds,

Check out the Sequence of Play:

* Battle results are reported
* Rewards and Penalties occur

* Turn ends, new one begins

* Construction happens
* Income is added to stockpile

Likely what is happening here, is that you are losing more EPs from lost 
scenarios then you figured. That cuts into what's available for being 
built. Then ships are built with what you have in your stockpile at that 
point (and the appropriate amount is deducted from your stockpile.) 
*Then* you get your income amount. The resulting leftover is what is 
reported to you as your stockpile when it looks for your assignment orders.

Unless you mean to say that you gave build orders in the assignment 
phase of the turn, and see fewer build orders now in the battles phase. 
Either you have found a new bug, or it was some sort of operator error. 
If it can be replicated, I'll see if I can fix it. Otherwise, was it 
possible that you forgot to "save" the last build order?

-- Matt

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