Dramatic SFB: Andromedan Battles

Glenn Somerfield glenns134 at yahoo.com
Tue May 8 06:07:58 PDT 2018

 Heya Joshua, 
Scen # 885 ....  Tug drop on peaceful planet ....
BAR and a SR with the TUG......
I will start a setup tonight  if i get home , or in the morning if i dont ...looks like a good battle to be had.

helping a friend move, and i dont have a specific scheduled now ....

glenn sumo  Hydran Hawkmen     On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 1:31:37 AM CDT, joshua s via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
  <!--#yiv4774730006 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}-->
Escuadrón de Filipinas has some battles this turn!

Great Green Gorn: Flota de Invasion sent ships to all scenarios this turn, only one possible battle.

Convoy raid #867: At the moment I do have an overwhelming force here but, I may have made an error in assigning my ships. I have three 2/3 movement ships and one 1/2 movement ship. Since 2/3 rounded is .67  might be .1 over the movement limit depending how those ships are calculated. If Matt can give me a ruling or if someone knows the answer to how the ships are calculated that would be appreciated. Whether I have the extra ship or not Flota de Invasion will stand their ground. 

Hydran Hawkmen: 

Organian Treaty colony #885: A task force led by the "Rotura" was sent to establish a GSA on a colony they were shocked to see a Hydran squadron sent to do the same. With those fighters I think I'm outgunned but will press on. Glenn, let me know when you're available brother.

Boulder Quarry for Crater Glory: Command overestimated available Jindo ships to defend this border....

Colony Raid #901: The flag group commenced a raid on a Jindarian colony, expecting a much larger force than what is present. Ken, let me know what you wish to do. I'm still trying to figure out your deployment pattern. I'll match up an even fight soon I hope.

All other encounters are auto-resolved or dropped.

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