Dramatic SFB: Remaining Battles?

TJ Hooker metaldog09 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 21:29:24 PDT 2018

The feds..my feds are not ready to advance, I have sent you a few emails about my builds for turn 8. I built one NSC+ for 128 EP, but I dont see it listed in my orders.. is it there? Do builds disappear from the orders list after we submit our turn before the scenarios are completed? Help?

                                                                 - Justin

    On Thursday, April 26, 2018, 7:37:42 PM PDT, Matthew via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 So I didn't hear anyone else pipe up when this question was asked. So 
are there any non-Tholian battles left?

Frank and I have reached an equitable solution to our remaining battle. 
We *might* be ready to advance.


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