Dramatic SFB: Experienced players in the midshipmans game

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Sat May 5 07:29:45 PDT 2018

Heya folks.

I've heard that several of you have joined the Midshipman's Game that 
Frank has spun up. That game is intended to let the new players get 
their feet wet in the campaign format, before diving in with you sharks. 
That is a short campaign, intended to allow them to make mistakes 
without lasting repercussions, and then they are likely to get folded 
into the "main" campaign.

I suspect many of you have jumped at that game because it allows you to 
have twice the opportunity at Pow Pow. Therefore I will spin up a second 
campaign for this purpose. Anyone have some suggestions on starting 
year, border rationale, or other campaign options?

Some border rationales I have considered in the past are along the lines 
of a full F&E setup (you get as many border spots as the F&E map has 
hexes with the given empire), or to segregate the empires into three or 
four like-technology groups (drones together, plasma together, the rest 
together) and let random bordering branch them out.


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