Dramatic SFB: Space Boars #811 Tholian Vs Peladine ending with Tholian Victory

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 21:20:41 PDT 2018

 Today dawned in the usual way in space. No clouds...bright where there was
light...dark every where else. And the Boars...we off playing in the space
fields....we cruised in to watch them frolic and noticed 2 Pel ships trying
to poach on our territory. We advised them to leave or we would be wroth
with them. Probably should have used smaller words...they did not seem to
understand...they continued closing on our Boars. So we finished warming
our weapons from WS 2...As they cruised in at WS 3 and we closed upon them.
Our 3 DDs running at 21...and the scout lazily cruising along at 16.

The Boars were all at the watering hole...and as they noticed the Pels
closing in they scattered. Unfortunately...one went D...one went B....and
not 1...not 2 not 3 not 4...but 5....of the 7 charged away in direction F
which just happened to be where were were coming in from. My Helmsman got
my attention as I was having my morning coffee..."SIR!!!!!!!!! He screamed
5 Boars heading on a collision course for us dead ahead!!!!!! I admit to
being slightly startled....and my uniform shirt can probably be cleaned of
the coffee stain. The third degree burns to my chest will heal nicely I am

As they charged...towards us I suggested to the helms man to prepare to
take evasive action...but then...they ran right by us. So we proceeded to
get my other uniform and continued closing on the Pel interlopers. Which by
now had turned and was pursuing a lone Boar. Toward the end of turn 1...one
boar noticed something interesting behind him out of the pack of 5...and
started chasing his own tail.

The turn ended with us turned and working out way south toward the Pels and
trying to fire 3 disruptors as warning shots. Which they were really just
that. Turned out the range was 23....for my range 22 disruptors...so a
lovely light show happened.

Turn two continued...as before...with Boars racing off into the
distance.Then...the one chasing its tail...scented us...and another found
its tail enticing and the one the Pels were chasing was still lumbering
along at 27 while they followed meekly at 20. Figuring that the one chasing
us would lose interest before it caught us...we ignored it. However it was
very determined to catch us. Toward the end of the turn It had changed to a
Pollux...then changed back to Izar the scout....and was pretty dang
close....so the Destroyer fleet closed to range 1 and did 84 damage to it
in an attempt to get it to break of from Izar.

Turn 3 saw the Boar still trying to chase Izar down...so Izar dropped a T
bomb out its hatch...and the Destroyer fleet stayed close... Then as soon
as their weapons cycled...hit the boar again...hard for another 93 damage.
Then the boar rammed the T bomb. for 10 more. Finally my scout Izar had
enough...and turned in and shot it once...blinding a sensor channel...and
also drooping a shield to send its last T bomb out to finish the boar
off...which by now had decided to chase Lesath. The T bomb went boom...the
boar dropped...and all was well with the world...except the tail chasing
boar now caught our scent...heard the explosion? Who knows...and stopped
tail chasing and charged. But he was a long was off...max range at 25. It
was at this time that we noticed...having been slightly busy....that the
Pels were sneaking up on us. We headed off to recharge...and avoid yet
another boar. Toward the end of the turn...the boar lost interest. As we
began to come around to give a proper welcome to the Pels...they suddenly
realized they had a prior engagement elsewhere...and made a hard left turn
and began accelerating away fast. Leaving us to drag another trophy home
with us. Pictures will be up soon on the Fleet web page. No shields were
damaged in this encounter.

All in all a good day..."Nurse....more pain medicine....and Yeoman did the
stains come out of my uniform shirt?"

So ends the battle of the Boars #811. Tholians win. Boars reduced by one.
And the Pels got to watch a real fleet in action.

Captain Lazarus Commanding Officer of the Destroyer Fleet Rocky Bottom with
attached Scout.


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