Dramatic SFB: BATTLE - 737

Glenn Somerfield glenns134 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 14 21:42:23 PDT 2018

......on the disputed border of FRAXIAN  / HYDRAN HAWKMEN space...not far off an Old Orion Trade Path 
>From the Bridge of the Hydran CNT   "Pilot".... on patrol with a KN+,  HN,  and an SR+ looking far and forward .... covering the route for 6 FT's ....all with a high priority cargo worth more than a Frigate

Purple Battle AlertPurple Battle Alert 
Encroaching FRAX upon our FT line in the 737 sector...they are coming up quick,  ....5 DW's...and one of them is a Scout

....we are currently at WS2 with sensors reporting the same in the FRAX fleet

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