Dramatic SFB: Button pushing

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 08:00:08 PST 2018

There remain at least 3 fights that I know of:

   1. *Convoy Raid #539:* 3.5 MP's worth of Klingons (Deep Space Fleet)
   attacking 3.5 MP's worth of Feds (69th Border Detachment) and 7 FT's.
   Scheduled for today.  Possibly going to be a long battle with a carrier
   group on the board.
   2. *Convoy Raid #564:* 2.33 MP's worth of Lyrans (Flaming Rage)
   attacking 2.5 MP's worth of Kzintis (Territorial Marking Fleet) and 5
   FT's.  Scheduled for Sunday.  Definitely likely to be a long battle with
   both sides starting at WS-III and 25 drone racks plus SP's for the Kzinti
   player to handle.
   3. *Convoy Raid #565:* 2.5 MP's worth of Lyrans (Flaming Rage) attacking
   2.5 MP's worth of Hydrans (Menage a Trois). Likely to a Hobbesian (nasty,
   brutish, and short) battle given short-range, crunch-configured fleets and
   the notorious Hellbore/ESG interaction.  Scheduling is unknown.

As you can see, Convoy Raids tend to wind up in board battles.  They're too
valuable BPV wise for the defender to write off, but hard to achieve
overwhelming force from either side with the MP limits.

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 9:01 AM Daniel Crispin via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> How close  are we to pushing the button?  I think there was 2 fights left
> last week and Frank reported completion of his fight... so 1 left?
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