Dramatic SFB: Klingon vs Tholian

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Thu Mar 8 18:44:45 PST 2018

We got to turn 1, impulse 11 or so, before the wife turned on a big RF 
emitter next to the wifi and claimed it was important to preparing 
dinner. So I got bumped.

Klingons plotted a medium speed, trying to heel their puny destroyers 
around to bear on the attacking Tholian cruisers. Tholians plotted a 
pretty fast speed and started in a position to come in behind the 
defenders. Almost immediately, the Klingons began launching a series of 
shuttles from their freighters and then some ECM drones from the ships. 
Presumably the shuttles are ballistic scatterpacks, as they are facing 
away from the attacking force and were launched from drone-using ships 
(who would have used about 3/4ths their entire drone stocks to fully arm 

The Klingon scout loaned the cruisers each 4 offensive ECM. The Tholian 
scout turned off 3 of the 5 ECM drones, out of the 6 attempts it has 
made. Nobody has fired at eachother yet, but the Klingons have made a 
very unfriendly EW environment for the Tholian weapons.


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