Dramatic SFB: Banshees
kengulnar73 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 20 11:37:09 PST 2018
You can't kill them before they fire, they will return fire at anything that shoots at them, even if you kill them in one shot.
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On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 12:53 PM, David via SFBdrama<sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote: > The first one was the Banshee scenario where my Police ship was facing his
> Destroyer (and a Base Station). My ship got crippled at range 10 with a
> single volley of his Ph-4s. So that was a loss for me. I was expecting
> the Banshee to just obliterate him but I did not understand how easy they
> are to be kept at bay so this was a very easy victory for the Jindarian
> forces. Yeah, the thing I was afraid of with banshees in my scenarios was that first ~30 points from 6 firing at range 5. That takes down any DD shield. You should kill 4 with base + DD fire before they can shoot but the other two P4s aren't usually in arc. Fortunately they aren't smart enough to follow up on the down shield. I guess you could move to 3 behind the base and give it a close up shot that might drop that to 20 or even 15 if the DD fires but that requires some planning. ____________________________________________________
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