Dramatic SFB: Fraxian Empire scenarios

Glenn Somerfield glenns134 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 7 15:21:15 PST 2018

#363 Convoy Raid,

YES , the hawkmen withdraw from the field. you can have the catnip we stole from the Lyrans 
glenn sumo Hydran Hawkmen  are RTA - ready to advance 

    On Monday, February 5, 2018 10:35 PM, Jarod Ikeda via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

 Fraxian Empire has almost all autoresolve. 
There are few that didn't:
Convoy Raid #363 with Hydran Hawkmen - I've got overwhelming force so assume retreat by Hawkmen. 
Cargo Tug #373 with Andromedan - we rolled WS and I got lucky (WSIII) and Andro retreated.  

So unless Hydran Hawkmen want to fight out Convoy Raid #363, Fraxian Empire ready to advance.

Sleepy Cat (Jarod)____________________________________________________
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