Dramatic SFB: The last contacts investigated.
Gregory Flusche
shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 09:15:48 PST 2018
As per the Wingwords orders no attacks were launched against the Great
Green Gorns by the Jagdstaffel No2.
However the great Gorn Confederation seems to have not learned there lesson
and are attacking a peaceful research station along our border. All we are
researching is better bird feed. The CC Eernst Udet and its squadron are
out gunned They shall fight to protect our scientists.
A illegal listening post was detected along the ISC border (Galactic
Enforcers) A pair of there Police ships were spotted on route to the Post.
I do not think they want to mes with My new DWV escorts and RMS (Raid
Mother Ship) with pods, to include a scout pod. However the CAa Gustav
Dorr and CLLa Karl Bolle *were investigating a report of space monsters
and have now run into a pair of trespassing ISC ships. This shall noy be
tolerated. We order them to leave at once are we may be forced to fire on
them. To make matters worse The so called Galactic Enforcers are attacking
a bunch of refugees fleeing from their cruel rule. The Captain of the CA
Paul Baumer and consort FFL Hans Schuez will try to help those poor
souls. *
*The DW Walter Gottsch had a very uneventful R&R on one of our colony
planets. No sign of our strange new Neighbors the Vudar. *
*Along the Border with the Romulans a Convoy was spotted but as it was
carrying only food and medicine was allowed to go on its way. A Orion ship
was found to be carrying legitimate cargo and was allowed to go on its way
(are was that spies :) ) *
*Long range sensors detected a small strange ship engaging a Monster. As no
ships were close by we ignored this. However it may be worth watching this
sector more closer.*
*So I have 3 possible battles 4 if the ISC wants to get rid of a couple of
Police ships. *
*369 Technology sabotage vs the Great Gorn Confederation. outnumbers me by
624 to 443. I can hope to make them pay however.*
*371 a very special ally Vs the ISC a much closer battle. This one should
be fun.. CAr and a Police Flag vs my CAa and CLLa.*
*372 refugee flight. While it really does not net me anything and i am out
gunned depending on time i might want to try that one just for fun VS the
ISC. *
On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Charles Carroll via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> Listening Post #413 While on routine patrol SKA the "Gaul Auxiliary Fritz"
> detected what seemed to be some kind of hidden outpost near our space and
> turned towards it to investigate. Upon arrive it detected a huge party that
> it had not been invited to. Since the commander could not show an
> invitation he was asked to leave. While he would have appreciated attending
> such a party he had other more pressing duties to attend to and decided not
> to press the matter. 2 DWs and 2 DDs escorted him from the area. The honor
> guard was appreciated and showed the proper amount of respect that he was
> due.
> Passing the Baton #427 While on a training mission for our newest ship the
> SPA+ "Malinius" escorted by SKA "Aurelius" and SKF "Skirmisher", the fleet
> discovered a lone Federation Cargo Tug hauling suspicious contraband near
> our space. His papers failed to check out and he was escorted to the
> nearest facility were the cargo was confiscated and his ship was considered
> forfeit and impounded indefinitely.
> Prospecting Raid #428 The SKA Anthony and the SKA Augustus were sent out
> to investigate rumors of an illegal mining operation on our border with the
> Federation. After the earlier encounter with the Tug hauling contraband it
> was of no great surprise to find that this rumor was true. Upon arrive the
> minors surprisingly surrendered peacefully and all mining equipment and
> minerals at the illegal base were taken into custody. This border with the
> Federation appears to be becoming more lawless as time goes on. We will
> obviously need to increase our presence in this region.
> With this updated report Remus Ascendant has concluded its operations for
> this period and is ready to advance.
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