Dramatic SFB: Remus Ascendant read to advance.

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Thu Feb 1 16:50:16 PST 2018

> How many do we have left to do orders ?

At the second day since the button was pressed, we have just over 
two-thirds of the players checked in.

The following haven't yet claimed they are done with orders by pressing 
the "Ready to Advance" button:

Barbarians at the Gate - Klingon (BigSlowTarget)
Fraxian Empire - Frax (jarod.ikeda)
Drones Catnip and Liquor - Kzinti (BigJim)
Deep Space Fleet - Klingon (Nicholander_1765)
Territorial Marking Fleet - Kzinti (pyrAmider)
Menage a Trois - Hydran (Grim)


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