Dramatic SFB: Rules Question:

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 31 18:30:24 PST 2018

> The attacker's ships that are bid enters from the 42xx map edge, 
> heading and speed at player's option. The cumlative move-cost of the 
> assigned ships together may not exceed 2.5

This done to ensure that the sum of the move cost of the force (not 
counting attrition units) does not exceed the given value. So you could 
offer up a DNL and an escort or two (as appropriate) or instead assign 
several frigates and destroyers.

This does not replace the Command-limit rules we are using, but is an 
additional restriction. So if you assign 7 frigates, you had better be 
able to command them (and the rest of the convoy that the scenario gives 

You will also note from the wording, that this MC restriction does not 
include the units given by the scenario (the "targets".)

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