Dramatic SFB: Status Report: #304 T2

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 14:52:41 PST 2018

The attack by Paravian forces on the Great Gorn Confederation convoy is
over. The Paravians came in with half of the QWTs overloaded. This cut down
on there speed to much. The Gorn HDDs moved out to intercept the raiders.
While the Convoy turned off at its best speed. The Gorns then launched
there G torps and a F torp at the Raiders. noting the max speed possible by
the Gorns the Paravians launched a full load of overloaded QWTs burning
bttys to do so.

The Gorns were running Max ECM to include ECPs. The Paravian CA  burned its
last BTTY to increase ECCM to 3 and took control of all 6 QWTs. The Gorns
turned of to late and  the HDD Rajath took a full load of QWTs. Doing some
nice internals. The Paravians turned off to avoid the plasma but a bit to
late. Thankfully two of the G torps were fake and only flank shield damage
was taken.
Note that even with a +2 shift the 6 overloaded QWTs were able to smash a
shield.  (they hit after 9 moves 1-7-1) The Gorns did fire some phasers
into the QWTs. removing the splash element from 2 of the QWTs but not
destroying  partially due to the 3 ECM generated by the QWTs. The EW shift
did remove 1 more of the splash elements and cut a QWTs main element. My
thought here is High levels of ECM is really not that effective vs QWTs and
by flying them in flights of 6 torps one ship can take control and be
loaned and generate high levels of ECCM to help with the EW shifts.

With 2 more  G torps in bound and no way to get to the FTs. The Paravian
raiders decided to not arm QWTs and disnegage, With most phasers empty as
well as the Btty. All that could have been done was maybe crippling the
Rajath and that would have been iffy. That also would have exposed the
ships to possible plasma hits. There would have not been enough power for
speed to catch the FTs

Thus Victory for the Great Gorn Confederation.

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 3:19 PM, Ann Monaghan via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Michael and I got to 2.28 last night.
> Quiet turn for the most part as both sides arm their heavy weapons.
> Couple drone launches and a couple of plasma launches by the Pels near
> 2.25 ish to keep the hunters busy !
> 4 DB were launched and 3 of the IDd DB were targeted on the hurting Pel
> DD, a TB placed in their path by DW Pinta made short work of them.
> The Hunters fleet [16/21] ended up at top center facing E, moving and
> slipping along the edge westward as the map is fixed while the Pel fleet
> [16/14 with CL at 20/14 to catch up ] maintained a steady pace towards F
> facing to close the gap between the 2 fleets. DD Liquid is 4 hexes behind
> the main Pel fleet.
> Fleets are now 8 hexes apart #6 to #6 in LF arcs.
> No phaser shots were taken but that will change soon enough !
> Play to continue next Tuesday night at 7pm EST.
> Cheers
> Frank
> Peladine Admiral.
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Ann Monaghan via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
> Date: January 17, 2018 at 4:07 PM
> I did forget to mention the Pels did transport 10 Crystals [ end of turn ]
> off the asteroid of the 150 present.
> CC has 4, CL has 2, DW has 3 and DD has 1.
> That's 10 of the 76 required towards victory !! 😄
> Cheers
> Frank
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Ann Monaghan via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
> Date: January 17, 2018 at 4:01 PM
> Gents,
> Dilithium Crystals 304 T1 is in the books.
> Carnivons approach at 20/19/20 to gain 1 extra hex with EW at 0/3 while
> Pels move at 16/20 with varying defensive EW except the DD Liquid which
> stayed at 16 for the whole turn.
> Peladine fleet gets their ECM drones out to complicate matters even more
> for the Hunters however on 1.18, the Carnivons fired a wad of weapons at
> R10 at +0 at the DD Liquid as she could not muster enough ECM to force a
> shift.
> End result netted 23 internals via #6.
> Peladine fleet was not taking this lying down, very next imp they returned
> fire at R10 at +0 also and target of choice was DW Hunters Wrath netting 22
> internals via #3.
> Overall, an even exchange !
> Pels did launch 3 G torps which ran out of gas at R1 to hostile fleet end
> of turn. Carnivon Fleet Captain does not know if these torps were real or
> fake but the lone torp that was successfully ID'd was at the CW Nova Pride!
> Carnivons did not launch any of their Death Bolts.
> Fleets are R9 to each other [ Pel #1 to Carnivon #5]  with Pel CL out a
> bit more due to movement issues.
> T2 to happen tonight hopefully !
> Cheers
> Frank
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Wayne Power via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
> Date: January 15, 2018 at 10:07 PM
> Latest turn 5, current year 175 Flaming Rage Lyran:
> #342 Peladine victory. Lyran and Peladine treaty.
> #341 Peladine victory.
> #340 To be played out? the Hydran Paul G (I think it is), can disengage
> if you would like to (map and Lyran set up saved).
> #339 Kzinti victory. Territorial Marking Fleet.
> #334 Lyran victory. Klingon and Lyran ally treaty.
> #331 Kzinti victory. Drones Catnip and Liquor.
> #330 Lyran victory.
> #267 Lyran victory.
> #266 Is being played out, set up complete and ready for turn 1 EA. (It is
> a raid, may only last a turn or two)
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