Dramatic SFB: Rule S8.315
matt at mattnet.org
Thu Jan 11 04:55:23 PST 2018
> I don't have that rule in my rulebook. What module does it come from
> and what does it say?
I believe it comes from Advanced Missions. Perhaps Module J?
/*(S8.315)*//Players may adapt the "flexible group" rules from F&E
(515.0). These can be summarized as follows: Carriers are divided into
three types (size class 2, size class 3, and size class 4). Size class 2
carriers must have three escorts and can have four. Size class 3
carriers must have two escorts and can have three. Size class 4 carriers
must have one escort and can have two. At least one escort must be size
class 4, but otherwise, players may select any escorts available in the
selected year so long as they are of the same empire. Non-carrier
escorts cannot be used as carrier escorts in SFB/.
What is a "carrier" under this rule is anything that has a "V" in their
notes on the Master Ship Chart (MSC). Hydran carriers are instead noted
under (R9.R4). Generally speaking, any ship listed with an escort table
in their section-R description is a "true" carrier and subject to
(S8.315). Ships without an escort table, generally speaking, are
considered "Hybrid" carriers and fall under (S8.322).
/*(S8.316)*//Most survey ships are listed in their rules as sometimes
carrying fighters. Players who take a survey ship as their allowed scout
may equip it with some or all of the allowed fighters [see limit in
(S8.32)]. Fast carriers operated without escorts while on deep raids. If
fast carriers appear as the sole ships they need not have escorts, but
they must be accompanied by their assigned escorts as any other carrier
if appearing as part of a larger force. Fast carriers may, but are not
required to, be accompanied by fast escorts if defined as being on a
raid behind enemy lines. Fast carriers are currently limited to the
Federation DVL and CVF; fast escorts are limited to the Federation FXE.//
//*(S8.317) *//One or two carrier escorts (no more than one size class
3) could be assigned to protect tugs, FRDs, repair ships, PFTs, or convoys./
The reference to (S8.32) in the Survey Carrier (SRV) sentence further
reinforces that SRVs are considered "true" carriers (beyond that they
have escort tables and are noted in the MSC as carriers), as (S8.32)
deals with the fighter limit from true carriers.
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