Dramatic SFB: Fed 69th Border Enforcement Squadron

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 10 16:09:55 PST 2018

> In actuality, there is a small point of rules needing to be clarified 
> prior to this being fought.  The Tholians say my carrier lacks a 
> proper escort and can’t play.  R2.16A says that Fed CVLs were 
> sometimes unescorted.

I am willing to fight this out with your CVL in attendance, if you care to.

However, I'll note that the campaign rules is not using the published 
escort tables. Instead we are using 
<http://sfbdrama.mattnet.org/docs/rules.html#attrition%20units> the 
"Flexible Escort" rule (S8.315). This requires an escort for any carrier 
except for the "Fast Carriers" who are alone.

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