Dramatic SFB: Good News!

Roch Chartrand R.Chartrand at Videotron.qc.ca
Tue Jan 2 17:02:55 PST 2018

Darn! Frank is back!

Happy to see you again.

The Great Gorn Confederation is ready to advance!

-----Original Message-----
From: SFBdrama [mailto:sfbdrama-bounces at lists.mattnet.org] On Behalf Of
Matthew via SFBdrama
Sent: 2 janvier 2018 18:52
To: Matthew via SFBdrama
Subject: Dramatic SFB: Good News!

Happy new Year! Welcome to Y2018!

So the holiday season is officially over, now that national hangover-day is
over. So there's some good news for ya!

Also, Bram has gotten ahold of me. Yay!!  He told me the Kzinti diplomat 
thought that the ships attacking the Kzinti convoy were some extinct dog 
species. After seeing the psychologist for the last four weeks, the 
Kzinti in question is willing to believe that extinct means extinct. So 
that's all settled, until he starts hallucinating again: I bet next time 
it'll be about talking racoons.

So Bram says we can advance the turn. Please perform a last check on 
your orders and put your seat-trays in their full and upright positions. 
I'll hit the button tomorrow.

Also, we have three (!!) new players from this holiday season. One you 
might recognize as an old friend of ours, Frank "the five-front-war 
Romulan" Lemay. Paul Graves has been on the tournament circuit for the 
last 25 years and is finally making a plunge into the campaign scene. 
And Charles Carroll has got the same story that most of us have: Used to 
play alot but is coming back after a long haitus.

Because of the new players, many of us have suddenly got some borders we 
didn't have last turn. I've tried to add borders mostly to those people 
who didn't have much before; be ready to cover a much larger space than 
you used to. Please don't panic. You've got time to beef up your fleets 
and close down unwanted borders before our newest players are up to 
speed on the situation enough to start handing us our hats.


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