Dramatic SFB: Fwd: Re: Some reminders

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Fri Mar 9 17:52:50 PST 2018

> Alternately, would it be possible for a carrier to do a “refit” and trade in (for example) F-18s for F-18Bs when available?

Yes. That is precisely the type of thing that the "Conversion" order was
included to allow: "Convert/Refit" the carrier that has F-18s into the
same carrier that has F-18Bs. On the flip side, you could "Convert" a
GSC into a CVL (or go the other way.)  It is not intended to "Convert" a
POL into a GSC.

The software doesn't enforce the "trade in for only a variant of the
same hull", because of the greater complexity to handle and the much
greater amount of information required in the database about each ship
(e.g. each ship would need to include a list of units they could convert
to. Which can easily get out of date if new units are added to the
database.) So we are using the Honor system for this. This reminder is
to let people know of the intent of the order.


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