Dramatic SFB: Update

Daniel Crispin calendyr at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 4 22:29:40 PST 2018

The Galactic Enforcers has two scenarios to complete this turn.

The Pavarian fleet is desperately trying to flee from our Flagship cruiser's task force, while sending wave after wave of Quantum Wave Torpedos at our fleet.

After 3 minutes of battle, the Destroyer Leader of the Pavarian fleet has been severely damaged and no other ship has suffered any damage.  The freighter

fleet is at the edge of the detection range of the pursers so they might manage to get away in a few minutes unless the Flagship can find a way to close the gap.

Hopefully this will be resolved Tuesday night.  Fun fight so far !

The Jindarians have made an incursion in our territory trying to steal data from us.   Our task force under the Command of our fleet Admiral in his Dreadnaught flagship was

awaken in the middle of the night shift by a handful of destroyers making a break towards our planet.  Weapons are not online, but the fleet is now at red alert preparing for battle.

Hopefully, this battle will be done this week.  My opponent has not given me his availability yet.

President Calendyr

Galactic Enforcers (I.S.C.)

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