Dramatic SFB: Rules question

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Mon Feb 5 16:17:43 PST 2018

> Matt had an odd question. The convoy raid scenario has me use cargo sleds instead of free traders. Which can’t use t-bombs but cargo sleds can. Could I use CO’s for t-bombs since I’m not using free traders? Wanted clear that with you before I do it since the CS replace the FT. Wasn’t sure if that would go against the “spirit” of the scenario.

That is a good question. I'm going to allow the CS to purchase mines, 
for these reasons:

A) They have less weaponry than most FTs (a single LS and RS PH-2, vs 
the FTs pair of 360 PH-3s and some other weapon.) The FT has better 
coverage, but arguably the same effective firepower.
B) The FT is twice as fast, so is more likely to disengage by distance.
C) Which offsets the CS's durability.
D) The CS will likely only afford one mine each. (Remember that COs 
aren't pooled. Each ship can only use the COs that it's own BPV provides)

The presumption of Andromedans using mines is for seeking weapon defense 
(PA Mines have the same availability and cost as T-Bombs). The FTs have 
better defense in this regard (The better phaser coverage means the 
death of any single drone that would hit an FT. Considering the weapons 
and arcs for the option mount, a second drone (and maybe more) is dead.) 
The CS has very poor seeker defense (and no weasel.)

I will add a note to this effect in the campaign rules.


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