Dramatic SFB: Rules Question:

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 31 15:50:57 PST 2018

I've noticed a couple of scenarios that have the following restrictions:

The attacker's ships that are bid enters from the 42xx map edge, heading and speed at player's option. The cumlative move-cost of the assigned ships together may not exceed 2.5


The attacker's ships that are bid enters from the 42xx map edge, heading and speed at player's option. The cumlative move-cost of the assigned ships together may not exceed 1.5

To illustrate my question, I'll use the first example as a basis (2.5 move-cost). Does this mean I could field a force of five .5 move-cost ships or two 1 move-cost and one .5 move-cost, OR is this supposed to be some kind of average?

My apologies if this has already been covered, but I'd like to make sure I've got it straight.

Mr. Gorntastic

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