Dramatic SFB: The Hunters prey report

Michael Helbig admgrraven at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 05:30:57 PST 2018

Dragon Attack 295
The Dragons were very passive and killed without delay. No real sport there.

Convoy Raid 296
The Kzinti admiral is sniffing too much catnip again and allocated a
cruiser to this battle which due to the SC4 only restriction will not
participate. That being said My CA and DWS should be able to skin the
convoy and escort if he so chooses to fight. If not then the prey on the
FT's will make nice jerkey for my mess hall.

Colony Raid 297
No Klingons showed up all is quiet along this frontier

Orgainian Treaty 299
We were able to make contact with the Orgainians in an attempt to convice
them that hunting for sustenance is not violence but survival. Negotiations
are in progress.

Hostile Militia 301
We were able to complete our base with no Fraxian opposition.

Colony Raid 302
We have new prey! Peladine, what are they? what do they taste like? Better
yet how do they fight??? Since they didn't show up we shall have to find
out some other way.

Dilithium Crystal 304
Interesting choice here. I'm outgunned by a fair margin here. I need to
know if the Peladine ships are with our without their refits. Since I see
the ships listed without I want to confirm before I commit to a decision.
If by some weird reason they are NOT refitted I'll at least show up. If
they have the refits I'll let the Coon have this one.

Alpha Prime Grraven.
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