Dramatic SFB: Remus Ascendant and the Border Situations

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 00:12:27 PST 2018

Prospecting Raid #286 The Gorn Confederation, I am waiting to hear from
them as to what they wish to do in this touchy situation. I would recommend
that they pull back from this situation and we can work out future
differences equitably for all of the plasma using races. Feel free to
discuss this with me. I am sure something can be worked out so blood need
not be spilled.

Terran defense with ground combat #287 Was supposed to happen with the Gorn
Confederation but they seem to have gotten lost in transit. My fleet spent
the weekend in the local bars and ran up a big tab.

Base Defense # 274 I had no need for the Paravian outpost so decided to
live and let live.

The planet crusher (defender) #288 A planet crusher wandered into my space
and was politely escorted away from the planet. Unfortunately this
endangered species died from malnutritio

Convoy Raid #321 (defender) My intelligence community assured me a raid was
imminent. Some how the Federation must have gotten lost in transit. So my
fleet had a really nice party.

Colony Raid #309 (Defender)and Colony Raid #322 (Defender) The last
two...had some technical difficulties in my intelligence community. They
failed to notify me of the possible conflict and it seems a similar failure
happened with the Boulder Quarry and the Federation. So no one bothered to
show up. Battle cancelled due to lack of interest.
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