Dramatic SFB: Tholian Battles

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 10 05:02:16 PST 2018

So it looks like my Klingon neighbor has decided to raid Tholian space.

Colony Raid #289: The Klingon aggression put this colony too close to 
our space. We've sent overwhelming force to relieve the Klingons of the 
maintenance charges of such a small colony. Does their F5 Destroyer care 
to challenge a pair of destroyers?

Cargo Tug #290: A couple of Klingon D5s and a F5 are attacking a tug 
defended by a DD squadron and scout. It's a fair fight. Wanna fight it out?

Listening Post #291: The Klingons are here in our space for some reason. 
One of our DDs are trying to stop a D5 from getting through. I'm not yet 
sure I want to fight this one, since the Klingon has more BPV. But it is 
a close one.

Refit Raid #313: The Klingon Allies, the Vudar, are attacking an FRD 
with insufficient force. Care to run away, little lizard?

Cargo Tug #314: The Federation is attacking another of our Tugs, 
similarly defended by a DD squadron. They brought in an un-escorted CVL 
and a guided-missile Frigate. I don't believe the frigate can perform 
escort duities, so the CVL will have to go home. It's a pity: I was 
looking forward to removing one of the Fed's best scouts. I don't expect 
the lone FFG to stick around.

--Tholian Commander

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